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Applying NLP in Java, all from the command-line


We are all aware of Machine Learning tools and cloud services that work via the browser and give us an interface we can use to perform our day-to-day data analysis, model training, and evaluation, and other tasks to various degrees of efficiencies.

But what would you do if you want to do these tasks on or from your local machine or infrastructure available in your organisation? And, if these resources available do not meet the pre-requisites to do decent end-to-end Data Science or Machine Learning tasks. That’s when access to a cloud-provider agnostic deep learning management environments like Valohai can help. And to add to this, we will be using the free-tier that is accessible to one and all.

Create a free account

We will be performing the task of building a Java app, and then training and evaluating an NLP model using it, and we will do all of it from the command-line interface with less interaction with the available web interface — basically it will be an end-to-end process all the way to training, saving and evaluation of the NLP model. And we won’t need to worry much about setting up any environments, configuring or managing it.

Purpose or Goals

We will learn to do a bunch of things in this post covering various levels of abstractions (in no particular order):

What do we need and how?

Here’s what we need to be able to get started:

The how part of this task is not hard once we have our goals and requirements clear, we will expand on this in the following sections.

NLP for Java, DL4J and Valohai

NLP for Java: DL4J

We have all of the code and instructions needed to get started with this post, captured for you on GitHub. Below are the steps you go through to get acquainted with the project:

Quick startup

To quickly get started we need to do just these:

$ git clone
$ cd dl4j-nlp-cuda-example
$ vh project create
$ vh project open### Go to the Settings page > Repository tab and update the git repo address with
$ vh project fetch

Now you’re ready to start using the power of performing Machine Learning tasks from the command-line.

See Advanced installation and setup section in the README to find out what we need to install and configure on your system to run the app and experiments on your local machine or inside a Docker container — this is not necessary for this post at the moment but you can try it out at a later time.

About valohai.yaml

You will have noticed we have a valohai.yaml in the git repo and our valohai.yaml file contains several steps that you can use, we have enlisted them by their names, which we will use when running our steps:

Building the Java app from the command line

Assuming you are all set up we will start by building the Java app on the Valohai platform from the command prompt, which is as simple as running one of the two commands:

$ vh exec run build-cpu-gpu-uberjar [--adhoc]

### Run `vh exec run --help` to find out more about this command

And you will be prompted with the execution counter, which is nothing by a number:

😼  Success! Execution #1 created. See

Note: use --adhoc only if you have not setup your Valohai project with a git repo or have unsaved commits and want to experiment before being sure of the configuration.

You can watch your execution by:

$ vh watch 1

### the parameter 1 is the counter returned by the `vh exec run build-cpu-gpu-uberjar` operation above, it is the index to refer to that execution run

and you can see either we are waiting for an instance to be allocated or console messages move past the screen when the execution has kicked off. You can see the same via the web interface as well.

Note: instances are available based on how popular they are and also how much quota you have left on them, if they have been used recently they are more likely to be available next.

Once the step is completed, you can see it results in a few artifacts, called outputs in the Valohai terminology, we can see them by:

$ vh outputs 1

### Run `vh outputs --help` to find out more about this command

We will need the URLs that look like datum://[....some sha like notation...] for our next steps. You can see we have a log file that has captured the GPU related information about the running instance, you can download this file by:

$ vh outputs --download . --filter *.logs 1

### Run `vh outputs --help` to find out more about this command

Running the NLP training process for CPU/GPU from the command-line

We will use the built artifacts namely the uber jars for the CPU and GPU backends to run our training process:

### Running the CPU uberjar
$ vh exec run train-cpu-linux --cpu-linux-uberjar=datum://016dff00-43b7-b599-0e85-23a16749146e [--adhoc]

### Running the GPU uberjar
$ vh exec run train-gpu-linux --gpu-linux-uberjar=datum://016dff00-2095-4df7-5d9e-02cb7cd009bb [--adhoc]

### Note these datum:// link will vary in your case
### Run `vh exec run train-cpu-linux --help` to get more details on its usage

Note: take a look at the Inputs with Valohai CLI docs to see how to write commands like the above.

We can watch the process if we like but it can be lengthy so we can switch to another task.

The above execution runs finish with saving the model into the ${VH_OUTPUTS} folder to enable it to be archived by Valohai. The model names get suffix to their names, to keep a track of how they were produced.

At any point during our building, training or evaluation steps, we can stop an ongoing execution (queued or running) by just doing this:

$ vh stop 3
(Resolved stop to execution stop.)
⌛ Stopping #3...
=> {"message":"Stop signal sent"}
😁 Success! Done.

Downloading the saved model post successful training

We can query the outputs of execution by its counter number and download it using:

$ vh outputs 2
$ vh outputs --download . --filter Cnn*.pb 2

See how you can evaluate the downloaded model on your local machine, both the models created by the CPU and GPU based processes (respective uber jars). Just pass in the name of the

downloaded model as a parameter to the runner shell script provided.

Evaluating the saved NLP model from a previous training execution

### Running the CPU uberjar and evaluating the CPU-verion of the model
$ vh exec run evaluate-model-linux --uber-jar=datum://016dff00-43b7-b599-0e85-23a16749146e --model=datum://016dff2a-a0d4-3e63-d8da-6a61a96a7ba6 [--adhoc]

### Running the GPU uberjar and evaluating the GPU-verion of the model
$ vh exec run evaluate-model-linux --uber-jar=datum://016dff00-2095-4df7-5d9e-02cb7cd009bb --model=datum://016dff2a-a0d4-3e63-d8da-6a61a96a7ba6 [--adhoc]

### Note these datum:// link will vary in your case
### Run `vh exec run train-cpu-linux --help` to get more details on its usage

And at the end of the model evaluation we get the below, model evaluation metrics and confusion matrix after running a test set on the model:

Note: the source code contains ML and NLP-related explanations at various stages in the form of inline comments.

Capturing the environment information about Nvidia’s GPU and CUDA drivers

This step is unrelated to the whole process of building and running a Java app on the cloud and controlling and viewing it remotely using the client tool, although it is useful to be able to know on what kind of system we ran our training on, especially for the GPU aspect of the training:

$ vh exec run know-your-gpus [--adhoc]

### Run `vh exec run --help` to get more details on its usage

Keeping track of your experiments

Comparing the CPU and GPU based processes

We could have discussed comparisons between the CPU and GPU based processes in terms of these:

But we won’t cover these topics in this post, although you have access to the metrics you need for it, in case you wish to investigate further.

Necessary configuration file(s) and shells scripts

All the necessary scripts can be found on the GitHub repo, they can be found in:

Please also have a look at the file for further details on their usages and other additional information that we haven’t mentioned in this post here.

Valohai — Orchestration

If we have noticed all the above tasks were orchestrating the tasks via a few tools at different levels of abstractions:

You are orchestrating your tasks from a single point making use of the tools and technologies available to do various Data and Machine Learning tasks.


We have seen that NLP is a resource-consuming task and having the right methods and tools in hands certainly helps. Once again the DeepLearning4J library from Skymind and the Valohai platform have come to our service. Thanks to the creators of both platform. Also, we can see the below benefits (and more) this post highlights.


We gain a bunch of things by doing the way we did the things above:


I felt very productive and my time and resources were effectively used while doing all of the above, and above all, I can share it with others and everyone can just reuse all of this work directly — just clone the repo and off you go.

What we didn’t cover and is potentially a great topic to talk about, is the Valohai Pipelines in some future post!


Valohai resources

Other resources

Other related posts

Originally published at

Author: Mani Sarkar

I have been posting articles on the Java Advent calendar for some years. A passionate developer mainly in the Java/JVM space, based out of London, UK. A JCP Member, OpenJDK contributor, involved with LJC and other developer communities, @adoptopenjdk and other F/OSS projects. Writes code, not just in Java/JVM hence likes to call himself a polyglot developer. He sees himself working in the areas of core Java, JVM, JDK, Hotspot, Graal, GraalVM, Truffle, VMs, and Performance Tuning. An advocate of a number of agile and software craftsmanship practices and a regular at many talks, conferences and hands-on-workshops – speaks, participates, organises and helps out at many of them. Expresses his thoughts often via blog posts, microblogs (tweets) and other forms of social media. —– Twitter: @theNeomatrix369 Slideshare: —–
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