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(Re)Start me up!

There are cases where you would like to start a Java process identical to the current one (or at least using the the same JVM with tweaked parameters). Some concrete cases where this would be useful:

Doing this is relatively simple – and can be done in pure Java – after you find the correct API calls:

List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
// the java executable
System.getProperty("java.home"), File.separator,
// pre-execuable arguments (like -D, -agent, etc)

String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"), javaExecutable = System
if (classPath.equals(javaExecutable)) {
// was started with -jar
} else {

// we might add additional arguments here which will be received by the
// launched program
// in its args[] paramater

// launch it!
new ProcessBuilder().command(arguments).start();

Some explanations about to the code:

This is it! After that we use ProcessBuilder (which we should always favour over Runtime.exec because it auto-escapes the parts of the command line for us).

A final thought: if you intend to use this method to “daemonize” a process (that is: to ensure that it stays running after its parent process has terminated) you should do two things:

This is it for today, hope you enjoyed it, fond it useful. If you run the code and it doesn’t work as advertised, let me know so that I can update it (I’m especially interested if it works with non Sun/Oracle JVMs). Come back tomorrow for an other article!

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Author: gpanther

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